Monday, July 26, 2010


There is something magical about the winter. The way you shiver uncontrollably when you get out of the shower in the morning, the frost on your cars window what makes it almost impossible to see out of. And the way the sharp winter winds seem to cut right through your clothing and get right down to your bones. Wait a second that does not sound magical at all. In fact it sounds like a mild form of torture.
The only good things to come out of winter is sleeping in on the weekend in your nice warm bed, and being able to ware hoodies and not look like a mugger, or a rapist. But even that is debatable.
Is winter even that important to have? I mean its winter in the North and South Pole all year round, so that should keep the polar bears and penguins happy. As for the rest of us, we are tropical animals and enjoy the sun and a little warmth every now and then. So until I see a polar bear walking the street, I say make it warm forever.
But with all this said, I am sure that come summer time I will be writing a blog about how much the heat is pissing me off as well. After all I am only human. And I think I just saw a polar bear walking out of a Starbucks.

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