Saturday, July 24, 2010

Getting up

We all know the feeling. You are in the middle of the best sleep you have had in ages, and the dream you’re having is just about to reach a climax when. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! You’re alarm goes off. Time to start a new day! In another five minutes *SNOOZ BUTTON*
I find waking up in the morning is like ripping off a band aid, its best to do it in one quick swift action before you have time to think about it. Or otherwise I will lie in bed and try to convince myself that there is actually no reason to get up today, and most of the times, I succeed.
It’s not to say that I don’t like the mornings, I am most defiantly a morning person, and I think the hours between 7am and 12pm are the best parts of the day. I just wish sometimes that they could be moved to later on in the day.
So if we ever have an early morning appointment or meeting and I miss it. Well you now know it’s nothing personal. And I have just talked myself into staying in bed, and let’s make the next meeting at a more reasonable time.

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