Monday, July 5, 2010


I watch netball for much the same reason I watch woman’s beach volleyball. I like the outfits they ware. It is also good to see that netball has replaced basketball as our national ball sport that is not played on a field.
The game has always been quite a mystery to me, I don’t really understand the rule but that is not what bothers me, and it’s not the fact that I think they should get rid of the net ball dress thing and implement a volleyball style uniform. What really baffles me are the people that play it. I know I might be very unpopular by saying this, but it really does not look like it involves that much skill to play. To say you’re a professional netball player means that you are really good at holding a ball without moving.
I also want to talk about mixed netball. Parents if you're son comes to you saying  that he wants to play netball, know that you will never get grandkids out of him, and you should probably have thought twice before letting him wear that dress when he was 5.
But despite all this I will continue to watch netball, but come summer then its, good bye netball, hello Volleyball.


  1. Netball is a popular game somewhat similar to basketball. According to me, it is a very unique game which requires a good skill at holding a ball without moving. People have already started playing mixed netball as no sports are meant for girls or boys at least in this generation.

  2. Great blog. Thanks for sharing the all valuable information about the Netball. Really a amazing blog!!

    Netball Dresses
