Monday, August 23, 2010

Baby on board

I have never quite understood those baby on board things people put on car windows. What are they actually for? Is it to excuse the horrible driving the people that have these signs do? Because lets me tell you something, if you are driving like you own the road just because you have a baby in the car, then that is not going to stop me from letting you know what I think of you’re driving.
I once saw a car with not only a baby on board sign but also a child on board as well. That got me thinking, is it necessary now to advertise what stage of development you’re passengers are in? And are there more of these sing? Like, teenager on board or mid 20’s on board or even senior citizen on board. 
It has been my experience that, anyone displaying a baby on board should be avoided at all coasts. Because chances are they have a car load of screaming kids, and are quite willing to do anything to end it all, that might just mean taking you out with them. 
No matter what sign you have displayed on your car, I will still shake my fist and yell at you if you pull out in front of me, or cut me off. I will still play my offensive rap music as loud as I like while driving next to you with my roof off and windows down. So get used to it. 

1 comment:

  1. I just now caught up to the present day blog and this one is definitely my favourite! Those signs are ridiculous.
