It has come to my attention that this Twilight crazy is not just a passing one, and is going to be sticking around for a while longer. Vampires that fall in love with humans instead of using them as food, yeah, I can kind of see the attraction, who would not love to have a vampire as a friend; you would never get picked on again, well at least not at night.
But now this Twilight obsession has gone way to far, allow me to explain. Each year Forbes magazine releases the “Forbes fictional 15” it is a list of the wealthiest 15 fictional characters. Now for the last 2 years Scrooge McDuck has held his rightful place at the top of this list, but not this year. He has been knocked down to the number 2 spot, taken over by Carlisle Cullen. I refuse to believe this is correct, and that its Forbes way of jumping on the bandwagon trying to get more 13 year old girls to read the Magazine.
I refuse to live in a world that does not acknowledge Scrooge McDuck as the richest fictional character. For god sakes he swims in a vault of money and jewels the size of the empire state building, while all the Cullen’s drive around in Volvo’s.
Twilight Rocks! LOL Go Carlisle :P