I hate that show the biggest loser, if I wanted to see fat people cry 5 nights a week I would go to the gym and show the blobs on the treadmills diabetes statistics.
But there is one thing I love about that time of the year, it’s the ads. I have no doubt that you have seen then, they are the ones about meal replacements. The thing I love most about the ads is the way they word them, for example.”All you have to do is replace two meals a day” am I the only one that sees the problem with that. In case I am I will list the problems.
1. We only eat 3 times a day (Breakfast, lunch and dinner)
2. These meal replacement things are basically milkshakes, and I was told when I was little that milkshakes where not a meal.
So you eat breakfast, and for the rest of the day you drink a fucken milkshake. That's not a balanced diet, that’s anorexia. And on that topic, how many anorexics are watching that ad and saying “Yeah, well if it’s okay for them, then why I am in this eating disorder clinic?”
These milkshakes are quite good, I’m on my fourth.
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