Does anyone use a normal camera these days? I know I run the risk of sounding uncool by asking this question, but all I see are people using their phone cameras, I mean sure its fine for taking that quick snap of something funny you see while out. But when you are using it to take your holiday photos, then I think you have crossed some line.
When people look back at us thousands of years from now, what will they make of this sudden drop in image quality? That we got invaded by a less advance race of aliens, and they demanded that we revert our technology back to 2000? That’s not the message I want to send to the people of the future.
If anything good has come out of this new trend of using your phone as your main camera is, there is no longer any shortages of girls willing to take naked photos of themself and post it on the internet, all I need now is a faster internet connection to keep up with it all.
So remember. Using your phone camera while you are away on holidays is bad. But getting naked and taking photos of yourself in the mirror is good, unless you a guy then that’s just downright creepy and no one wants to see that.
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