There is a famous saying that goes “Dogs have owners, cats have slaves” I would more than anything else like to debunk this saying but, it could not be truer. I am waiting for the day that my cat learns to use a bell and insists that I wear a butler’s uniform.
Is it just me or does anyone else think that cats are not telling us everything? Like they have some kind of secrete society, were they all get to get together a couple of times a week to discuss such things as making humans do whatever they like, and invent new ways of tormenting dogs.
Unlike cats in cartoon and movie, real life cats do not eat whatever you put down in front of them. In fact cats are quite well known for their fussiness when it comes to food. In all the years that I have had my cat, I can count on one hand all the things she will eat. Also unlike cartoons, cats don’t drink milk, just like mice don’t eat cheese, cartoons are full of shit.
So just keep all this in mid the next time you are trying to get your cat off the couch and you think you are in control. When really the cat is looking at you and saying “I will do as I please, now be away with you pesky human”